Monday, March 13, 2017

Final Week of the Quarter

The final week of the quarter is always a busy time.  In tenth grade students turned in their research papers and spent class time today "drawing" both sides of their bill to present to the class and then called for a vote.  Hopefully we can follow these bills as they progress through the legislature this session.  The research papers were a great learning experience and hopefully all students improved throughout this process.   This week tenth graders will start researching a revolution that has taken place somewhere in the world between 1750-1950.  We will try to learn common features of these revolutions before reading Animal Farm, by George Orwell.  This is a short book and will be read mostly independently.  Students should be able to monitor their own comprehension and should be prepared for quizzed each day that reading is assigned.

Ninth graders read a whole book lst week, The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch.  After reading The Red Badge of Courage, it was time to shift gears to something more readable and relatable.  We are using this as one element of a  Life Lessons project.  The date and time are not set yet, but please join us in the week of April 3 for a presentation.  Specifics to be announced as it gets closer.  This week, ninth graders are working on their project.  They will interview a graduating senior and have written interview questions to ask to draw out some deep conversation.  We will also try video recording the interviews, so possibly we can embed a clip of the file in the presentation.  It will be a good technology lesson for all of us!  The book, the Last Lecture, is a quick and inspiring read.  If you want to borrow a copy, your student can check out a book over Spring break for you to read.  Please consider reading it with us!

Have a great week!

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