Monday, November 14, 2016

Rough Drafts

All students turned in a printed rough draft in class today.  Ninth graders are writing a research paper on a college of their choice, 4-5 pages, MLA format with citations.  Tenth graders are writing an argument paper, 3 pages, MLA format, minimum of two citations.  Argument papers should include a claim, reasons, evidence, counter claim and rebuttal.  All students who had their work ready completed a peer review in class. This peer review paper should also be handed in with the final draft next week. The peer review is helpful in the revision process.  We will not have any more time in class for these papers, so students should be working at home to get this completed.

In each class there were students who did not have this draft completed.  These students are responsible for completing the peer review on their own to turn in with the final draft, due Monday, 11/21.

This week in class, we will shift back to our reading for the rest of the week.  Ninth graders will read a short sotry from the american Romantic movement, identifying th eelements of plot.  Tenth graders will continue reading Hamlet, Act 3, scenes 2-4.  Should be a great week!

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